Solicaz held a stand at the plants exhibition in Remire-Montjoly in November 30, with other local producers of exotic plants in French-Guyana.
XVth regional cooperation conference Antilles Guyana from 27 to 29 November 2019
Nov 29, 2019
Solicaz intervened during the XV regional cooperation conference to present a cooperation project with Guyana on the theme of restoring the soils of former bauxite mines.
Visit of the Minister of Overseas
Nov 28, 2019
Thursday 28/11/2019, Solicaz received in its premises the Minister of Overseas Annick Girardin and the Prefect of French Guiana Marc Del Grande, the Chairman of the CTG Mr. Rodolphe Alexandre, Senator Georges Patient, the Deputy Mr. Lenaick Adam, the Mayor of Kourou Mr. François Ringuet and the Rector of the Guyana Academy Mr. Alain Ayong Le Kama.
Guyana TransAgriDom meetings, week of October 21, 2019
Oct 30, 2019
The TransAgriDom project aims to accentuate the synergy between territories and actors of the Innovation and Agricultural Transfer Networks (RITA) to ensure the agro-ecological transition in the French overseas territories.
European Agri Innovation Summit – Lisieux 25-26 June 2019
Oct 8, 2019
Invited by the European Agricultural Innovation Summit in June 2019, Solicaz introduced RITA’s project : GUYAFER
Rugby Tiger Trophy 2019
Apr 13, 2019
Solicaz is committed to a local Rugby team and has been invited at the corporate tournament of touch rugby the 13th of april 2019. The solicaz's employees have finished 3rd out of 10 teams and will be present for the next 2020's edition with more training.
Lecture and formation about compost
Mar 26, 2019
One of the project of the European union for innovation is to support the improvement of productivity and developement of sustainable agriculture in the village of Iracoubo.